Train your brain! Become a BRAIN LEADER!
Playing improves brain concentration.
Your task is to choose the correct answer to a question from the 6 offered answers. Colors and texts varies.
The game is based on the well known and frequently examined the phenomenon Stroop test. Shows the names of colors in a different color than the mean. Trying so your attention and exercise your brain. Test shows that if the words are printed in a different color than their meaning man tends to automatically read their importance and greatly thereby slowing its ability to correctly identify colors. This is a psychological test indicating that the person is in the execution a task easily dispersed their automatic reactions and habits. Today, it is widely used to test for attention. Named after the American psychologist John Ridley Stroop (1897 – 1973) which dealt with this phenomenon. Besides research attention and directivity is used to further studies of human consciousness.
Train your brain! Become a BRAIN LEADER!